I have to be a grown up and make some hard decisions. More than that I have to take a step into the unknown in a way that could potentially impact our daily life... Fucking job stuff!
I've been doing this kind of work for 2 years now. After working in restaurants, then mental health/drug rehab, small gigs cleaning houses for acquaintances, respite care and other such domestic assistance jobs I was hired at a call center in Texas. I was still doing the on-the-job training when I interviewed to be a trainer and was promoted. There were so many things I liked about that job... and SO MANY I HATED.
Last year when I announced my move to the company, one of the Corporate Big Wigs pulled me aside and told me that another vendor for the product had work from home jobs doing what I'd been training people to do.
It's a year later and I've been on the escalations desk for most of the time. The thing is that my job revolves around being yelled at by entitled assholes over things we have no control over, or being yelled at by entitled assholes over things that are completely our fault but I personally have little or no way to fix for them. I do all this in the comfort of my yoga pants, mostly due to the fact that my 'office wear' no longer fits.
We just did another "shift bid." What that means is that if you want to change your shift you are gambling... They take all your stats and rank you amongst the others who want to change their schedule. Only after you've committed to the process do they tell you what your rank is and what shifts you can choose from.
Last time we did this; I ranked #2 and ended up going from 4/10-hr days with Thursday, Saturday and Sunday off to a 5-day work week with Friday and Saturday off. I used to get off work at 9pm, and now I close the desk at 11pm or later. I lost that gamble, but put in again for this bid.
Yesterday I got the e-mail. "You are ranked #1."
And then I looked at my options... I can go back to 10 hr days with Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday off (still working too late to really do anything on work nights). I can work an earlier shift (but still too late to go out after work) with 3 consecutive days off- Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. OR I can keep my shift and start job hunting. As of right now, I'm looking at the latter of the options and it scares me to death.
There are so many things about my job that are great:
I work from home, so no wardrobe, no commute,
The Mr. can keep me company when it's slow, I eat in my own kitchen on
My stats are always above average and my evals
are near-perfect.
Tonight I've got a meeting scheduled with a team
lead to go over the eval that will determine my raise, and I'm going to max
that out as well.
My co-workers are great, even though I've never
met any of them in person. We help each other out and I have become Facebook
friends with several, including a bunch of the supervisors.
I work for a company that's renowned for their
customer service, but most of our employees are 'barely min wage' factory
workers without any actual customer service, let alone basic knowledge of their
job. I spend my day apologizing for those employees lack of common courtesy and
cleaning up messes that could have been easily avoided... Messes that cost
thousands of dollars and countless hours of frustration.
We service a product that sometimes just doesn't
work. When the website goes down all we can do is say, "Whoops. Sorry. Guess you'll have to try again later." Or, "Whoops. Sorry about those thousands
of dollars in charges, we'll work on getting them refunded. It'll take a few
days and more than likely somebody will screw things up so you lose the thing
you DID want along with the ones that it *said* didn't go through that you were
charged for anyway. Oh. And even then you'll have to pay the higher cost when
you figure this out and we'll take another week or so to get you the difference
back. Yep. Totally our fault, but I still have to try and work on saving my
multi-million dollar company a few hundred dollars so I'll get back to you next
I work in an industry where, basically shit
happens and people lose money and time and then nothing is done to make it
right. The regulations are set up to screw over people who have already spent
thousands of dollars for something that they may not even get. And I have to
tell people, whether they are cursing at me and telling me to kill myself (Yeah. That really happened.) or they
are crying and begging for my help (that
was most of yesterday) that they are just fucked. And rather than just
saying, "Suck it up, Buttercup! You
should have read the fine print!" I have to be *nice* about it and
hope that they don't send a nasty gram to the wrong department of our company
about me.
Or the better question: Do I have to be a grown-up about this?
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