The Middle Layer is where I the extremes, without a label that fits.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Finding OUR PEOPLE at last!

So much awesomeness to write about from this weekend!

Friday night date with the lawyer went well. Not sure I’m feeling any romantic chemistry, but he was super cool and a lot of fun to hang out with.

The emcee of the burlesque show spent some time with us at the table, and said he really liked having us there. Now, that’s usually just good hosting, especially given the fact that The Mr. had organized MeetUp events for these shows that were successful to the point that nearly a quarter of the audience was from the group last time. However, the emcee made a point of stating he really liked US and distinguished that as a personal statement. I asked him about social networking (we have his e-mail, but Facebook or FetLife friending is a whole other level) and walked him to his car to pull up my FB profile on his phone.

Once back inside, we started a great discussion about the kinds of MeetUp groups we were part of: Poly/Swinger/ Alt Lifestyle stuff that’s based all over the area. My neon therapy sign lit up and we ended up in a fairly personal discussion about his recent interests in opening up and moving beyond the “nice guy" box he’s spent his life pigeon-holed into. Looking forward to hanging out with him socially.

There was an unfortunate incident at the end of the night involving the Mr.’s consumption level and an undisclosed bar policy that could be described as an “Asshole tax.". We ended up having a long talk with the manager and in the end, not only didn’t have to pay it, but had her business card in hand and the request to contact her directly next time we bring in a group so she can be sure things are more smooth.

We went to the monthly discussion group Saturday and stayed until 9pm playing Cards Against Humanity with The Dom, his wife and the BBW from Truth or Dare who I need to re-nickname. She is 10 years younger than me and doing so many things I want to do: writing (on one of my favorite sites and for PAY), Sex Education through a boutique shop, and a webcam model. I’m trying to find a way to be her friend without being creepy, stalker-like and just gushing over how fabulous she is.

BF1 was at the meeting, as was the Creme Brulee girl he’s gone on a few dates with, and her husband. I was happily surprised to see that she is not as petite as others he’s expressed interest in. I was really wondering what his level of physical attraction was to my body type. Creme Brulee girl and I could comfortably borrow from each others closet and she is super pretty. The dynamics of her marriage looked exactly like we’d imagined after talking to BF1 about it. The hubby was tattooed with a shaved head, totally my type physically. However he emitted a nervous energy that, coupled with his smaller stature made me think of a chihuahua. It made me sad for him to see how less-than-interested and almost anxiety-ridden he seems to be about the poly/dating stuff while she’s happily enjoying the lifestyle.

BF1 did a great job of socializing and floating around the room sitting beside me holding my hand for a bit, then sitting beside Creme Brulee girl and snuggling up. The energy of the whole day was like that. There were lots of hugs, and even a half-assed snuggle with The Dom at one point. We are hosting the next 2 discussion groups at our place, as The Dom has to be out of town.

Conversational highlights of the day were when BF1 quoted something I’d written to the group. “Eating a salad does not make you a vegetarian." (About the concept of fluid expression of sexuality and the use of labels.) And a question that was posed by an older man we hadn’t met before. He asked The Dom’s wife: “Is that freeing? Or do you find yourself shackled to rebellion?"

There are e-mails to send, more coffee to drink and then that crappy job thing. Next weekend we are doing karaoke then “Sharknado" with friends  and I am so excited!

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