That is what the ad outside the electronics store said: A screen for
every moment. And all I could do was roll my eyes and acknowledge the
way that all of this marketing is fueling our device addicted society.
People are no longer LIVING life, they are Instagramming and Facebooking
it as a means of receiving validation by way of "Likes" and
"Followers". There is no amount of hi-def, photo shopped filtered
technology that can make these screens true reality, but its come so
close that most people can no longer discern one from the other. It
upsets me to no end when I see small children being wheeled around in
strollers holding little screens with bright, shiny simulations of life
that are more interesting than the actual real life around them. People
do not look UP anymore. Their "Life" fits in the palm of their hands and
no human body that may also be moving in their path is important enough
to acknowledge. They might miss a tweet if they put their devices down
long enough to make eye contact, smile, or simply say "Excuse me" as
they pass by. Being "connected" has made it so much harder to actually
Where is this all coming from? A few things:
BF1 came up for a visit after having not seen him in months. We played a
card game, ate a home-cooked meal together, cuddled on the couch and
had the kind of deep conversations that foster a sense of trust and
bonding between people. It was AWESOME! And then...
We went to the mall and true to the usual mall experience I was filled
with an immediate disgust for "humanity" before we even parked the car.
All leggings, Ugg Boots and sparkly clothing aside, the general
demeanor of people in this setting enrages and horrifies me every
time, no matter how often we see it. It was like walking through a hoard
of Zombies to get through the food court and into the specific
department store we were going to for a specific item. Even those
without devices in hand walked with their heads down and eyes glazed
over without realizing that their were other people who were also
walking in the same area. People would stop suddenly, turn in unexpected
patterns and generally behave as though they were completely alone in
this crowded space. The level of self-centeredness exhibited in such
places, in my opinion, is just a reflection of the way that people have
decided that their lives are only as big as the screens they view them
on and all other living, breathing bodies are merely inconveniences they
encounter between status updates.
And 3.
Despite my own lack of a "smart phone" I'm feeling myself becoming
addicted to the screens. I was sitting in the bathroom (TMI, sorry) and
the thought came to me that I am spending too much time scrolling
news feeds, flipping through channels and otherwise seeking digital
stimulation rather than doing actual THINGS. I cooked an amazing
Southwester mac and no-cheese casserole yesterday. I did the laundry,
vacuumed the house and cleaned the bathroom. We played a card game we'd heard about and talked about personal revelations and processing
and reflected on how far we have come since this time last year... But
as soon as BF1 was out the door I was back on my laptop, mindlessly scrolling
through Tumblr. There are new gemstones in my beading kit collecting
dust. (I started making bracelets a few months ago.) There is a great book I started weeks ago on my nightstand that has a only shifted to make room for my
water bottle at night. ("Middlesex" by Jeffry
Eugenides) There are little piles of paperwork that needs to
be filed or shredded accumulating in the sun room... But what do I do with my time off?
I log on and tune out and it's not okay.
winter has been long and cold. Technically it's actually Spring at last but we're
expecting yet another storm early next week. I'm still gaining weight
and wishing it would get warm enough to go out walking on the trail by
my house..
And the most ironic part is that technology is allowing me
the opportunity to type this out as I process it rather than scribbling
it down in another notebook. There will be no ink stains on my hands
when I am done. Being a left-handed writer who has been journaling since
long before the MySpace days I am all too familiar with the down side
of putting it down on paper the 'old fashioned way.' Firefox catches any
misspellings that may make me look less articulate than I might, and I
know that a simple "ctrl+C" and "ctrl+V" will allow me to transfer this
from my Tumblr to my blog and then back again.
am not begrudging technology, but lamenting the behaviors surrounding
it and admitting that even I have had too much "screen time" and not
enough "face time" as of late. So it's time to wake my napping Mr. and
prepare for our date with... *ugh* I'm so bad at thinking of nicknames
for people... our date with a guy we went out with once last year who we
decided was worth another shot. If it goes well I'll come up with a
nickname for him.
One last thing. This is what I posted on my Facebook earlier this weekend that sums up a lot of the topic for me:
am not "connected" like most people in the world are today. I still
text in 10 key on my flip phone and prefer face-to-face conversation
(when possible) to digital communication. Technology can be great, but I
hate the 'addicted to the screen' behaviors that people often exhibit. I
refuse to be a slave to technology...
That said, I always wonder if people think I'm rude or a bad friend for not posting
on a wall on a birthday or for not "liking" an important, life-event
kind of status. I know I'm not great at staying in touch with those not
right here in my day-to-day life anymore but I just want to be sure that
it's clear that it's not personal, it's just that I truly try to stay
so busy living life that I don't always take the time to pull out a
device to document and share it with the world. I'm still working on
being totally present in present time, as my mother might say, but those
who are not part of my world in this moment will always be part of my
heart, my path and my story. My Mr.once told me that it seems I never
truly lose friends but that everyone just orbits around me in their own
path, coming close for a moment then circling around again another time.
I like that imagery...
That status update got 23 likes and 13 comments. *Sigh*
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